2027-28 Academic Calendar

2027-28 Academic Calendar

FALL 2027
Monday 2Deadline for graduate students to upload thesis and final projects for September graduation
Wednesday 11New Graduate Student Orientation for on-campus programs, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.; New International Graduate Student Orientation, 1:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Thursday 12New Graduate Student Orientation for online programs, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p. m.
Sunday 15Deadline for students to apply/petition for January graduation to the registrar's office
TBDInternational Student move-in, time TBD
TBDNew First-Year move-in; Undergraduate Student Orientation, times TBD
TBDReturning and transfer student move-in, time TBD
Sunday 15Undergraduate Convocation, 5 p.m.
Sunday 15Last day for 100% tuition refund for undergraduate students; 100% refund for graduate students continues until the first class meting (all online classes begin August 17)
Monday 16First day of classes for undergraduate and graduate students
Monday 16Drop/add period begins; 80% tuition refund period begins and continues through August 25, 0% tuition refund thereafter unless course hasn't met
Wednesday 25Drop/add ends at 5p.m.; end 80% course refund for graduate and part-time undergraduate students; last day to declare/change S/U grading (undergraduate only) or audit option; last day to file Leave of Absence
Friday 3Deadline for graduate students to submit notification for fall comprehensive exams to the registrar's office (Ceramic Arts and Human Behavior)
Friday 3Last day to register for extra credit (X) study, internship, departmental honors 499 (undergrad only) and independent study (undergrad or grad)
Monday 6Labor Day; no classes; offices closed
Wednesday 15Degrees conferred for Summer graduates
Saturday 2Fall Family Weekend
Monday 4 - Tuesday 5Fall Break; no classes; offices open
Wednesday 6Classes resume
Monday 11Midterm grades due by 9 a.m. in registrar's office
Saturday 23Master's Comprehensive Examinations (Human Behavior)
Monday 25Advising period begins and continues through November 5
Tuesday 26Master's Comprehensive Examinations (Ceramic Arts and Human Behavior)
Monday 8Begin Winter and Spring registration for seniors and current graduate students
Tuesday 9Begin Winter and Spring registration for juniors
Wednesday 10Begin Winter and Spring registration for sophomores
Thursday 11Begin Winter and Spring registration for freshmen
Friday 12Deadline for graduate students to upload thesis and final research projects for January graduation
Monday 15Begin Winter and Spring registration for new students and non-degree seeking students
Friday 19Last day to withdraw from Fall courses
Wednesday 24 - Sunday 28Thanksgiving recess; no classes
Thursday 25 - Sunday 28Offices closed for Thanksgiving recess
Sunday 28Residence halls reopen after Thankgsiving recess; 12 p.m.
Monday 29Classes resume
Monday 29Last day of undergraduate classes; Last day to submit Incomplete grade requests for undergraduate students
Monday 29 - Saturday 4Last week of graduate classes. Final exams/assessments for graduate classes should take place during this last week.
Tuesday 30Undergraduate Reading Day
Wednesday 1 - Friday 3Undergraduate Final Exams
Friday 3Last day to submit Incomplete grade requests for graduate students
Saturday 4 - Sunday 5Undergraduate Reading Days
Monday 6 - Tuesday 7Undergraduate Final Exams
Tuesday 7Official last day of the term
Wednesday 8Residence halls close at 12 p.m.
Friday 10Final grades due by 12 p.m. in the registrar's office
TBDWinter break; offices closed
Sunday 12Last day for 100% tuition refund; all online classes begin December 14
Monday 13Classes begin
Tuesday 14Drop/add ends at 5 p.m.
Saturday 18 - Sunday 2Holiday Break
Monday 3Winter classes resume
Friday 7Last day to withdraw from winter classes
Friday 14Classes end; Last day to submit Incomplete grade requests
Saturday 15Deadline for students to apply/petition for June graduation to the registrar's office
Tuesday 18Final grades due by 9 a.m. to the registrar's office
Wednesday 12New Graduate Student Orientation for on-campus programs, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.; New International Graduate Student Orientation, 1:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Thursday 13New Graduate Student Orientation for online programs, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p. m.
Saturday 15Deadline for students to apply/petition for June graduation to the registrar's office
TBDResidence halls open for new students, time TBD
TBDResidence halls open for returning students, time TBD
TBDnew undergraduate students arrive; orientation, time TBD
Monday 17Last day for 100% tuition refund for undergraduate students; 100% tuition refund for graduate students continues until the first class meeting (all online classes begin on January 18)
Monday 17Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; no classes; offices closed
Tuesday 18First day of classes for undergraduate and graduate students
Tuesday 18Drop/add period begins; 80% tuition refund begins and continues through January 27; 0% tuition refund thereafter
Thursday 27Drop/add ends at 5 p.m.; end 80% course refund for graduate and part-time undergraduate students; last day to declare/change S/U grading (undergraduate only) or audit option; last day to file Leave of Absence
Friday 28Deadline for graduate students to submit notification of spring comprehenisve exams to the registrar's office (Ceramic Arts and Human Behavior)
Friday 4Last day to register for extra credit (X) study, internship, departmental honors 499 (undergrad only) and independent study (undergrad or grad)
Friday 3Residence halls close for Spring Break; 8 p.m.
Monday 6 - Sunday 12Spring Break; no classes; offices open Monday-Friday
Monday 13Classes resume
Wednesday 15Deadline for students to apply/petition for September graduation to the registrar's office
Monday 20Midterm grades due by 9 a.m. in registrar's office
Monday 27Advising period begins and continues through April 7
Tuesday 28Master's Comprehensive Exams (Ceramic Arts and Human Behavior)
Saturday 1Master's Comprehensive Exams (Human Behavior)
Friday 7Last day to submit petition for Fall study abroad or study at another institution
Monday 10Begin Summer and Fall registration for non-graduating seniors, juniors and current graduate students
Tuesday 11Begin Summer and Fall registration for sophomores
Wednesday 12Begin Summer and Fall registration for freshmen
Monday 17Begin Summer and Fall registration for new students and non-degree seeking students
Friday 21Last day to withdraw from Spring classes
Friday 28Deadline for graduate students to upload final research and projects for June graduation
Monday 1Last day of undergraduate classes; Last day to submit Incomplete grade requests for undergraduate students
Monday 1 - Saturday 6Last week of graduate classes. Final exams/assessments for graduate classes should take place during this last week.
Tuesday 2Undergraduate Reading Day
Wednesday 3 - Friday 5Undergraduate Final Exams
Friday 5Last day to submit Incomplete grade requests for graduate students
Saturday 6 - Sunday 7Undergraduate Reading Days
Monday 8 - Tuesday 9Undergraduate Final Exams
Tuesday 9Official last day of the term
Friday 12Final grades due by 12 p.m. in the registrar's office
Saturday 20Commencement - Degree conferral will occur after confirmation of degree requirements have been met on June 5
Sunday 21Last day for 100% tuition refund for Summer term I
Monday 22Term I begins
Monday 29Memorial Day; no classes; offices closed
Tuesday 30Drop/add for summer I ends at 5 p.m. *See tuition refund policy for summer terms
Friday 26All students move to summer housing assignments, time 9 a.m.
Monday 19Juneteenth; no classes; offices closed
Monday 21Last day to withdraw from Summer I coursework that meets the full length of the term (5/22-7/2). For requests to withdraw from other Summer I coursework outside of the standard meeting dates, contact registrar@hood.edu for information.
Sunday 2Term I ends
Sunday 2Last day for 100% tuition refund for Summer term II
Monday 3Term II begins
Tuesday 4July 4th Holiday; no classes; offices closed
Thursday 6Term I grades due by 3 p.m. in the registrar's office
Monday 10Drop/add for summer II ends at 5 p.m. *See tuition refund policy for summer terms
Monday 7Last day to withdraw from Summer II coursework that meets the full length of the term (7/3-8/13). For requests to withdraw from other Summer II coursework outside of the standard meeting dates, contact registrar@hood.edu for information.
Sunday 13Term II ends
Wednesday 16Term II grades due by 3 p.m. in the registrar's office