Graduate and Undergraduate Grading Policies

See below for specific undergraduate and graduate grading policies and criteria. A helpful tool to calculate potential grades earned and how those grades will affect your GPA, we encourage you to use the GPA Calculator under the Important Forms link in Self Service. You will need access to your transcript for the information to enter on the calculator, which can be found under the Grades link in Self Service.

Hood’s faculty uses the following general criteria in determining grades. The criteria upon which students will be evaluated is included on every course syllabus. 

A, A- (90–100) indicates general excellence; the student displays initiative, independence and often originality in the course. 

B+, B, B- (80–89) indicates an unquestioned grasp of the subject’s fundamental facts and principles, an understanding of their significance and an ability to use them effectively; work is logically organized and technically correct; the student often shows initiative and independent work. 

C+, C, C- (70–79) indicates the student has a fairly accurate knowledge of the subject’s fundamental facts and principles and is able to apply them reasonably well; work is fairly logical in organization and technique but it is incomplete; there is evidence of growth in handling the coursework. 

D+, D, D- (60–69) indicates work is of inferior quality yet deserving of credit; there is some acquaintance with basic facts and principles, but work is poorly organized and technically faulty; the student frequently fails to complete assignments. 

F (0–59) indicates work shows no grasp of basic facts and principles and is not deserving of credit; it is poorly organized and technically faulty; the student frequently fails to complete assignments. 

S indicates satisfactory completion of work done on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis; performance is at a C- level or better. 

U indicates unsatisfactory completion of work done on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis and not deserving of credit; performance is at a D+ level or lower. 

INC indicates incomplete work in a course because of illness or serious emergency beyond the student’s control; students must arrange to finish assignments in accordance with the College’s incomplete grade policy. 


Under the satisfactory/unsatisfactory option, students receive a grade of “S” and credit for work of “C-” caliber or better or a grade of “U” and no credit for work of “D+” or lower quality. Neither grade is computed in the cumulative grade point average. 


Does not apply to courses only offered for S/U credit. 

  • Not applicable to satisfy courses in the core, major field, minor field, or independent study. 
  • A maximum of 3 S/U credits per year of attendance may be applied towards the 124 credit graduation requirement. 
  • No changes to or from the S/U grading system may be made after the drop/add period.  

Note: Students are cautioned that some graduate and professional schools and employers look negatively at satisfactory/unsatisfactory on transcripts because actual performance or mastery of the subject has not been demonstrated. 


The average that appears on all transcripts and grade reports is the average of all grades earned at Hood or through Hood affiliated semester or year abroad programs. Accepted transfer credit is included in the earned credit total and is applied toward the 124-credit degree requirement, but the quality hours and quality points earned at another institution are not calculated in the Hood average. Students participating in a non-Hood affiliated semester or year abroad/away will earn transfer credit for all courses completed with a grade of C- or above. 

Each grade received at Hood on the A-F grading scale has a corresponding grade point: A=4.00; A-=3.67; B+=3.33; B=3.00; B-=2.67; C+=2.33; C=2.00; C-=1.67; D+=1.33; D=1.00; D-=0.67 and F=0.00. 

Grades with no quality points include: AU, S, U, INC, Z, TR, W, CR 

By computing the quality points received for each letter grade, students can ascertain their average or grade point average. For example, a grade of “C” in a 3-credit course earns 6 qual­ity points. Add the number of quality points earned in each course to learn the quality point total. Divide the quality point total by the total number of credits (in courses which have letter grades) and the result is the Grade Point Average (GPA). 

The Composite Grade Point Average 

The composite Grade Point Average is the average of all college work attempted. All grades earned at Hood and those completed at other institutions are calculated, regardless of whether the course credit was accepted for transfer. The composite average is used to determine eligibility for various honor societies as well as determining Commencement honors. Grades of AU, S, U, INC, Z, W, IP, and CR are not included in the Composite Grade Point Average. 

The Major Average 

An academic department may refuse to accept as a major a student whose GPA falls under 2.0 in the discipline. The department may require a student who has declared a major to drop the major if the student’s GPA falls below 2.0. Note: GPA requirements may vary by major. 


Instructors in graduate programs are required to use the following uniform criteria in assigning grades to students: 




A :  Excellent mastery of course content and excellent ability to apply course content concepts. The work displays initiative, independence and application. In some courses, originality may be required. 

B :  Satisfactory mastery of course content and ability to apply course content concepts. Work indicates a grasp of the significance, interrelatedness and uses of the material covered. 

C :  Minimal understanding and knowledge of course concepts. 

F :  Unsatisfactory understanding of basic facts and principles which constitute the course content. Work receives no academic credit. 

S :  Satisfactory performance on thesis, research, field work, software engineering projects, some special topics or some internship coursework; equivalent to a minimum B grade (82%) at the graduate level. 

U :  Unsatisfactory performance on thesis, research, field work, software engineering projects, some special topics or some internship coursework;. Work receives no academic credit. 

W :  Withdrawal. This grade is assigned to students who withdraw after the drop/add period and according to withdrawal policy. 

WX : Administrative withdrawal due to extensive absences. 

INC : Incomplete work 

IP : In Progress 

Plus and Minus Grades 

Instructors may use plus (+) and minus (-) signs with grades to provide differentiation among students. 

Grade Points and Grade Point Averages 

Each grade has a grade point value. A grade point average of 3.0 is required for graduation and for status as a degree candidate. Only prerequisite and required courses count in the GPA. requirement for graduation. A student whose GPA is below 3.0 may be dismissed for academic reasons after the academic warning period (see Academic Standing and Warning section). 

Grade : Point Value 

A : 4.00 

A- : 3.67 

B+ : 3.33 

B : 3.00 

B- : 2.67

C+ : 2.33 

C : 2.00

C- : 1.67 

F : 0.00

U : 0.00 

Grades of W, WX and INC carry no point value and are not considered when calculating the GPA. 

For additional information, please refer to the college catalog. 

If you believe there is an error in your grade: 

  1. Contact the faculty member. 
  1. If unresolved, contact the department chair. 
  1. If unresolved, appeal to the Academic Standards and Policies committee. 

Appeals are considered for the following reasons:  

  • Miscalculation of a grade. 
  • Assignment of a grade to a particular student by application of more exacting requirements than were applied to other students in the same course. 
  • Assignment of a grade on some basis other than performance in the course. 

For additional information, please refer to the college catalog.