Undergraduate Summer Session
Thinking about summer already? So are we!
Everything you need to know about summer undergraduate credit classes at Hood
Term Dates:
- Summer I: May 19 - June 29
- Summer II: June 30 - August 10
Undergraduate courses across various disciplines and core areas:
- Academic Success (GNST)
- Art
- Biology
- English
- Global Studies
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Sociology
Summer registration will open on Monday, April 14. List of course offerings can be found on Self-Service in Section Search.
Registration & Fees
- Fees:
- Summer I: $595 per undergraduate credit
- Summer II: $620 per undergraduate credit
- Summer registration deadlines:
- Summer I drop/add ends May 27 at 5 p.m.
- Summer II drop/add ends July 7 at 5 p.m.
- Registration Guide
Withdrawal or Tuition Refund Policy for Summer terms
- 100 percent tuition refund before the first day of class for all sessions
- 80 percent tuition refund within the first two calendar days of one- and two-week sessions; zero percent tuition refunds thereafter
- 80 percent tuition refund within the first four calendar days of three- and four-week sessions; zero percent tuition refunds thereafter
- 80 percent tuition refund within the first seven calendar days of five- and six-week sessions; zero percent tuition refunds thereafter
Important Information & Offices
- Registration questions: Office of the Registrar, registrar@hood.edu, 301-696-3616
- Housing questions: Office of Residence Life, residencelife@hood.edu, 301-696-3577
- Tuition and fee details: Accounting Services, accounting@hood.edu, 301-696-3607
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