Critical and Disability Insurance

  • Eligibility: All regular full-time employees with Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) of .75 or greater.
  • Long Term Disability is an insurance policy designed to provide an income replacement benefit in the event that an eligible employee cannot work because of a covered illness or injury. Benefits can begin after 150 days of continuous disability. 
  • Coverage is employer paid
  • Plan benefit is 66.6667% of basic monthly earnings to max of $8,000 per month.
  • LTD Plan Information  
  • Additional Information 
  • Eligibility: employees with a .5 or greater FTE
  • Benefits begin on the 15th consecutive day of disability, at the end of elimination period and continue while you are disabled up to the max benefit duration (20 weeks).
  • Coverage is employee paid
  • Voluntary STD rate sheet 
  • Evidence of Insurability Form
  • Limitations: Pre-existing condition limitation
  • Plan Highlights