Faculty & Staff Awards

Nominations are currently being accepted for the following awards, which will be presented at the Fall Forum in August: 

The Martha E. Church Endowment Prize was established in honor of Dr. Martha E. Church, Hood's seventh president.  The prize is presented to a Hood College staff or faculty member who has conceived of and developed new ideas for launching or advancing partnerships between Hood and the Frederick community.  Any member of the Hood College faculty or staff is eligible for nomination.

The Humanitarian Award is named in memory of Mary Ann Kerins, former director and staff counselor of the Hood College Counseling Center.  Established in December 2008 by the Hood College Division of Student Life, this award is presented annually to a Hood College faculty or staff member who best personify the characteristics and contributions of Ms. Kerins. 

Mary Ann was known for her passion and commitment to helping students and others in their path to wellness.  Her quiet and gentle leadership, coupled with her advocacy for human rights, equality and democracy for all individuals, has left a positive impact on our community, particularly her devotion and advocacy for students.  Mary Ann’s commitment to diversity extended far beyond the walls of Hood College, Maryland and the United States.  When she was not at work helping students, she was spending summers and winter breaks gathering resources to share with students and traveling to developing countries.  From her service to students on campus to women in Uganda and widows in Sudan, we embrace and celebrate her contributions.  Compassion, empathy, fairness, honesty and respect for oneself and others are among the many positive qualities that Mary Ann possessed.  Her ability to build coalitions and inspire growth among others was a priceless gift to the Hood College community.

Any member of the staff who is in regular status and employed at least half time is eligible for nomination by a fellow staff member, faculty, or student.  This award is presented annually to recognize noteworthy service by staff members who have made significant contributions to the College.  Nominations should include a detailed description of achievements in one or more of the following recognition categories: leadership in college-wide and/or team-based initiatives; proactive involvement in the College community; involvement in programs or projects designed to make an impact; and/or other noteworthy achievements during the last year.

Dr. Henry P. and Page Laughlin Faculty Professional Achievement Award
Any member of the faculty who is employed at least half time is eligible for nomination by a colleague, a student, or a member of the staff. A faculty member may also nominate her/himself. Nominations should include a brief description of the specific contributions the candidate has made in teaching, service, and scholarship, to the College or the profession. Please do not submit general statements about a nominee’s effectiveness; explain instead why and how she or he has made a distinct contribution in such areas as highly innovative or effective teaching, curricular development or the improvement of teaching, scholarship or exceptional and outstanding service to the College, discipline or community.